Download and installation


You can find the font files at

On that Releases page, you can download:

(I wouldn't recommend cloning the git repo, unless you want to download over 1 GB of outdated files and git diffs...)

The raw source files (in format) are at You'll need a licensed copy of Glyphs to build the font from these files.



To install and activate a font, launch Font Book from your Applications folder, and drag the font files into the middle pane labelled Font. If you're using a different font manager, you already know what to do. :)

MacOS Homebrew

On the latest version of Homebrew, you can install the fonts with:

brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-juliamono


You can install a font for a single user or for all users. (Some applications (such as Java) don't see fonts unless they have been installed for all users.)

To install and activate a font on Windows, go to Computer |> Local Disk (C:) |> Windows |> Fonts. Locate the expanded .zip file folder, and drag the font files from there into the Fonts folder.

To install for all users, just right-click the font file(s) and choose Install for All Users. Administrator privileges are required.

Linux - using Font Manager

You might want to install Font Manager:

sudo apt install font-manager

Then double-click on the font files and click Install on each one.

Linux - on the command line

For Arch Linux, there is also a package in the AUR.

Locate your font folder. Might be one of:


and copy the files there. You might want to (or have to) regenerate the font cache:

$ fc-cache -f -v

And verify installation:

$ fc-list | grep "JuliaMono"